For friends and family members

The service brings great comfort to friends and family members that their loved one is being cared for 24 hours a day, especially if they do not live nearby. We all like to know that our loved ones feel safe and in control in their own homes. IndeMe is a simple, reliable service that enables you and your family to live life to the full, with the comfort of help being close at hand 24 hours a day if it’s needed.
The IndeMe service offers support and peace of mind to anyone. Our customers tell us it is particularly reassuring to people who are: living alone; older; currently caring for someone; less mobile; unwell; might be at risk of falling or have just come out of hospital; don't have regular visitors, or are worried about intruders or crime.
A Personal Safety Alarm Service
The IndeMe Service links you to your loved one, should they press the alarm one of the two listed emergency contacts, whether it be family friends or neighbours will be contacted for minor incidents. The contacts are identified when the service is set up and will ideally be keyholders or have access to a key safe for the property.
We understand it can be hard to reach a loved one quickly if you are not living nearby or hard to leave work at the drop of a hat, this is why our Tunstall response team will filter the calls and talk the caller through any problems, if possible. Our friendly team will calm the caller if in distress and determine the best call of action. Once the emergency services are ruled out, the next of kin will only be called if necessary, helping to limit the amount of calls per person.
Who Is the Service For?
The IndeMe service offers support and peace of mind to anyone. Our customers tell us it is particularly reassuring to people who are:
living alone; older; currently caring for someone; less mobile; unwell; might be at risk of falling or have just come out of hospital; don't have regular visitors, or are worried about intruders or crime.
How the Service Works
The IndeMe hub simply connects to the telephone line and works with a pendant, which can be worn on the wrist or around the neck. With a range of up to 50 metres, meaning the wearer will be covered around the house and in the garden.
Pressing the button on the home unit or on the pendant will alert our TSA accredited* Tunstall response centre where our highly trained and compassionate team will have all the relevant details to hand and can send the most appropriate help straight away. This might be one of the nominated keyholders or the emergency services.
Our users said the service has given them more confidence and helped make them feel safer, being able to relax in the comfort of their own home. Read some of our case studies from our service users.